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Hyundai Remapping

By CSC Motors

CSC Motors in Fife, Scotland offer Hyundai ECU Remapping services for old and new models alike. A CSC Motors Hyundai ECU Remap will provide a whole host of benefits including increased power, improved driveability and sharper throttle response.

CSC Motors in Fife, Scotland offer ECU remaps for the majority of the modern Hyundai range such as the I10, I20, I30, i40 and Tucson 

Benefits of a Hyundai Remap

By having your Hyundai remapped from CSC Motors fife you can obtain better performance, better fuel performance, increase throttle and more. 

  • Increased vehicle power (BHP and Torque)
  • Better driveability
  • Decreased Fuel Consumption (Save money on fuel)
  • Increased throttle response